Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Neilson Family Shoot

We should've taken pictures of the first day we met. Just for the sake of documenting our first attempted photo session with the Neilsons. The skies were fierce, the wind was whipping the flags into a frenzy, the Lake was crashing like the gales of November. We stood on the front porch of Epworth Hotel in disbelief that it was July. The Neilsons however were the picture of a lovely family summering on Michigan's beautiful West shore. We huddled under the eaves of the hotel debating a game plan, listening to the windshield wipers rhythmically telling us, "not gonna happen." iPhone radar lighting up our gloomy afternoon we decided to head home and try again the next evening. And man are we glad we did! If you give her space, Michigan will knock it out of the ball park every. single. time. 

We had the distinct privilege of photographing this precious little man. He was fed, napped, and happy! He was 100% angel the entire time.

And this little man he was 100% ENERGY! He was so much fun! He really loved our equipment so we turned it into a game and got some fun playful shots of him.

Family pictures can be so rewarding if you are willing to let go of control and let your little ones be little. These parents were great at letting their 2 year old be 2. Because when you are shooting at the end of the day with a 2 year old and an infant you just gotta roll with it. The babies will set the pace and let you know if they are done or willing to let you sneak another photo or two. If everyone's not looking at the camera, don't worry! Here are a few shots when everyone was not looking and we think they are beautiful and natural.

There goes the carferry! ;-)

The below picture just screams fun mom of two boys!

Moral of the story? Keep the tiniest ones happy and occupied and you will get a couple of split seconds where they are sorta looking at you, but might still be searching the horizon for The Badger.

Thank you so much for allowing us the privilege of sharing your last few vacation hours. We loved working with you and the boys! They did so great and both of you as parents were so relaxed that it made our job a breeze. One last shot...it pretty much sums up a photo shoot with a 2 year old ball of energy! Hey, you won't get these shots when he's 16.

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