Welcome to our brand new Blog! We are so excited to open this new chapter of Two Sisters Photography. First of all we are real sisters, I'm Wendy and my sister is Christy and that little dog is Edelweiss (she is not so little anymore). Edel is not an integral part of Two Sisters Photography. She would be if she would just sit still long enough for us to get one decent picture of her. Anyway, I digress, as I said we are 100% bona fide real sisters in flesh and blood. I have the mental and physical scars to prove it. ;-) I thought I would clear that up because people ask. We get along pretty well now, which is why we can work together, but she still bosses me around and makes me carry the ladder on all the photo shoots. I think that is actually because she has fancier lenses than me. I am the rookie out of the two of us and I learn from her as a photographer every single time we shoot together.
Why start a blog? A Blog is an essential tool of the modern photographer. While a website is a must have, it could be likened to a creative straitjacket. It is filled with necessary info like prices, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, those things must remain so that you can call us and then we can make you do crazy things while we take pictures of it. But a blog is a thing of beauty to a photographer, a blog can be updated and changed all the time with relative ease.
What will you see here? This is the fun part! Behind the scenes, how we got the shot, creative process, client sneak peeks, promotions and discounted packages, I could go on and on. One of the things we are most excited about are some "Photo Projects" we have in mind, more to come on that later.
Why should you comment? At the bottom of every new post there will be a place for you to comment on what we posted. Your feedback is invaluable to us! We really want to hear from you! When we begin our "Photo Projects" we want your ideas for what you would like to see and you can give us all your brilliance by commenting.
How do I post a comment? Simple, click on comments on the bottom of the post. You will then be prompted to select how you want your name to appear in the comment. If your gonna be mean you might want to select anonymous. Otherwise most people choose "Name" type in your first name or nickname then type your comment in the box above. Once that's done you can hit Preview to proof read you comment, if you are a confident speller and want to throw caution to the wind, be crazy and just hit Post Comment! Just a note to commenter's, anything vulgar or inappropriate will be removed. Lets keep it clean kids!
This is going to be seriously fun!